Usage Costs

Amazon AI USD pricing as of Summer 2020 is:


12 months free - 2 million characters per month

then $0.000015 per character ($15 per million)


12 months free - 60 minutes of audio per month

then $0.006 for up to 15 seconds + $0.0004 per additional second

Rekognition - Images

12 months free - 5000 images per month

then $0.001 per image (further discounts for more than 1 million images / month)

Rekognition - Video

12 months free - 1000 minutes per month

then $0.10 per minute, per category (Labels, Faces, Celebrities, Text, Unsafe Images)

or $0.05 per minute for technical analysis (Shots, Technical Cues)

Please be mindful of the AWS service costs associated with each AI operation, especially as you scale up usage of the plugin. Square Box does not accept any liability for AWS service costs incurred as a result of using this software, regardless of if the usage incurred was intentional or not.