
Aspera Workflows

In order to work with Aspera server for uploads and downloads users will need to either host an Aspera server product or  have log in credentials for a target Aspera server.

Additionally  the free Aspera Connect needs to be installed  on  any CatDV worker  machines to provide the command interface to interact with the Aspera Server,  this can be downloaded from the Aspera Website here .

There are many ways in which CatDV can work with Aspera to improve and Automate file transfer processes below are some workflow examples:

Aspera to CatDV: Scheduled Download and Ingest

CatDV worker can check an Aspera Server on a schedule download new media  either as a sync task to  pull down changes  or as a watch folder downloading the files and purging the source

the Worker can then ingest and publish this media to either  a new or existing CatDV catalog using a watch folder

see http://docs.squarebox.com/tutorials/ingest/Setting-Up-Watch-Folders.html

Aspera and CatDV: Review and Approval

CatDV catalogs can be presented  through the CatDV server Web Server so media downloaded  from Aspera server can be ingested into an “Aspera approvals”  catalog and presented to external users for review and approval.

Complex workflows can be built up whereby changes in the approvals metadata made through the Review approvals web interface trigger further automated events such as file moves uploads to other individuals or destinations conversions or renders to different media types or submissions to a website , YouTube or  Vimeo.

Aspera Server  has many possible configuration options including file encryption speed and performance parameters . These  parameters can be stored and called from config file so it is possible to hide log in credentials and encryption tokens and performance settings from the CatDV users and trigger multiple config options from within CatDV by specifying different config files for different upload profiles.

Our professional Services Department can work with  you to  develop custom workflows to integrate CatDV and Aspera for your production needs if this is of in terest then please Contact Us.

CatDV Aspera workflow Tutorials

There are tutorials available on or website to illustrate the following:

Uploading content from CatDV to Aspera … http://docs.squarebox.com/tutorials/media-delivery/Uploading-to-Aspera-Server.html

Downloading content to CatDV from Aspera … http://docs.squarebox.com/tutorials/media-delivery/Downloading-from-Aspera-Server.html